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Fight Like a Mother

Jan 17, 2024

My guest today is Robyn Gobbel, therapist and parent educator.

Robyn Gobbel, MSW, loves coffee, P!NK, and everything about the brain. Once (recently!) her teenager went ballistic on her for getting ANOTHER (glitter!) coffee mug in the mail. Robyn loves cultivating deep, resonant connections with anyone who is up for it, and is especially fond of all the grown-ups in the world who love and care for kids impacted by trauma- helpers, healers, educators, and parents. Her favorite thing ever (besides glittery coffee mugs) is teaching anyone who will listen to harness the power of neuroscience so they can cultivate deep, resonant connections. What would change in the world if we could all do that? To see, be with, feel, and deeply know each other...and ourselves. Robyn thinks everything could change. You can get your hands on all sorts of free resources at, including her podcast, The Baffling Behavior Show. Robyn is the author of Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work (September 2023).

We chat about when parenting is traumatic and how that affects our nervous system and impacts everyone in the family.   When we are parenting kids with big challenging, sometimes frightening behaviors can put us in a space of nervous system dysregulation and we can't function as our best selves

Parenting can be traumatic…


I cannot wait to share with you this podcast.  A few months ago I saw a post by @robyn.gobbel about this topic and it spoke to me. It made me cry to be honest.


I felt seen and validated.  I immediately messaged Robyn about being a guest and she graciously said yes.  It is an incredible interview and I hope the parents who need it will find it and also feel seen and validated.


If you have any of these, you may have experienced or are currently experiencing parenting trauma:


•Sensitized Stress Response

•Stuck in Protection Mode

•Compassion Fatigue






The trauma is real and that can bring shame and guilt upon us, because what parent gets traumatized by their child?




Nervous system printable

Link to buy Robyn's book.  Use code Bafflingbehaviors20 for 20% off